What is Culture and Gender Sensitization?
→ What is Culture and Gender Sensitization?
→ Gender sensitization may be seen as "the awareness informed propensity to behave in a manner which is sensitive to gender justice and gender equality issues." It is interlinked with gender empowerment. Gender sensitization theories claim that modification of the behavior of teachers and parents (etc.)
Culture in simple terms refers to our values, the
way we speak, behave, think, dress, religious beliefs, the music we like, our interactions,
and the food we eat. Diversity is a commitment to recognizing and appreciating the variety of
characteristics that make individuals unique in an atmosphere that promotes and celebrates
individual and collective achievement. Many people mistakenly use such phrases as “Indian
culture,” “white/black culture,” or “Western/Eastern culture,” to describe a particular culture
but these people fail to acknowledge the presence of cultural diversity, or the presence of
multiple cultures and cultural differences within a society. In reality, many different cultural
groups exist today in India and most developing and developed countries. Diversity in the
workforce means employing people without discrimination on the basis of gender, age and
ethnic or racial background. Since globalization is the current overwhelming trend in business,
diversity in the workplace is a better accepted and applied concept now more than ever.
There are different kinds of diversity that one encounters at the workplace. These include
diversity of gender, age, psychology, education, language and culture.