What is culural exception international law?
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Cultural exception (French: l’exception culturelle) is a political concept introduced by France in General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiations in 1993[1] to treat culture differently from other commercial products. In other words, its purpose is to consider cultural goods and services as exceptions in international treaties and agreements especially with the World Trade Organization (WTO). Its goals are to point out that States are sovereign as far as limitation of culture free trade is concerned in order to protect and promote their artists and other elements of their culture. Concretely, it can be seen through protectionist measures limiting the diffusion of foreign artistic work (quotas) or through subventions distributed according to the country cultural policy.
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The motivation behind Cultural exemption is to treat social merchandise and ventures uniquely in contrast to other exchanged products and enterprises as a result of the natural contrasts of such products and ventures. Numerous nations safeguarded the way that social merchandise and ventures "include qualities, personality and implications that go past their entirely business value".It remarkably enabled France to keep up shares and endowments to shield its social market from other country's social items, most outstandingly American, on TV and radio. South Korean strategy for its motion picture industry is another case of how social exemption is utilized to ensure the varying media showcase.
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