Environmental Sciences, asked by lechulekshmi8844, 10 months ago

What is currently being done in your adequately promotes social and enviromental justice


Answered by chintu0306


Social justice aims to give individuals and groups fair treatment and an impartial share of social, environmental and economic benefits. The concept promotes the fair distribution of advantages and disadvantages within a society, regardless of background and status.

Environmental justice deals explicitly with the distribution of environmental benefits and the burdens people experience, at home, at work, or where they learn, play and spend leisure time. Environmental benefits include attractive and extensive greenspace, clean air and water, and investment in pollution abatement and landscape improvements. Environmental burdens include risks and hazards from industrial, transport-generated and municipal pollution.

Both social and environmental justice work are sensitive to power issues (who causes pollution; who suffers from pollution); focus on communities or groups rather than individuals; and tend to adopt a holistic approach to analysing and addressing problems and reforms. ‘Environmental justice’ is used here to include aspects of social justice - although sometimes social and environmental goals may be in conflict.

Environmental justice emerged as a movement in the USA in the 1970s and 1980s, when many environmental pressure groups formed to fight environmental injustice - the disproportionate bearing of environmental burdens by some of society (e.g. the Love Canal disaster in New York State). Nowadays environmental justice, or environmental equality, is more widely accepted as a fundamental concept and goal of many environmental policies, including improving public access to environmental data and information, improving quality of life through access to environmental goods, and preserving resources for future generations. This perspective incorporates the emphasis on well-being expressed in the UK Government’s Sustainable Development Strategy.

Environmental justice has been particularly relevant for urban greenspace in four areas:

The siting of industrial facilities and their impacts on local residents

Access to environmental benefits and services in socially and/or economically disadvantaged areas

Restoration of contaminated and industrial land

Inclusion of local residents’ and stakeholders’ views in planning and development issues.


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