what is cytokinesis??
English Language☺
Cytokinesis is the part of the cell division process during which the cytoplasm of a single eukaryotic cell divides into two daughter cells. Cytoplasmic division begins during or after the late stages of nuclear division in mitosis and meiosis.
Hindi Language ☺
साइटोकिनेसिस कोशिका विभाजन प्रक्रिया का एक हिस्सा है, जिसके दौरान एक एकल यूकेरियोटिक कोशिका का कोशिका द्रव्य अपनी बेटी कोशिकाओं में विभाजित हो जाता है। माइटोसिस और अर्धसूत्रीविभाजन में परमाणु विभाजन के बाद के चरणों के दौरान या उसके बाद साइटोप्लाज्मिक विभाजन शुरू होता है।
★ Cytokinesis is a process in the biological science in which Eukaryotic cells Cytoplasmic divide into the two daughter cells during the process of meiosis.
★ In Simplified Terms we could say that during cytokinesis or Cell division cell's cytoplasm get divided into two daughter cells
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