Biology, asked by adityaharry, 11 months ago

what is dark reaction give chemical equation


Answered by hslapparaope84y4

dark reaction is the cycle reaction occurs in second phase of photosinthesis does not need light


Answered by rajurana334pd1m77

Dark reactions make use of these organic energy molecules (ATP and NADPH). This reaction cycle is also called Calvin Benison Cycle, and it occurs in the stroma. ATP provides the energy while NADPH provides the electrons required to fix the CO2 (carbon dioxide) into carbohydrates.

The equation of dark reaction may be summed up as:

6RuBP + 6CO2 + 18ATP + 12NADPH ———→ 6RuBP + C6H12O6 +18 ADP +18P +12 NADP

18ATP is required for the synthesis of one molecule of glucose, 6ATP is used for the regeneration of RuBP.

answered by lifeeasy authors

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