What is data abstraction?
data abstraction is the reduction of a particular body of data two simplified representation of the whole abstraction in general is the process of taking away or removing characteristics from something in order to reduce it into a set of essential characteristics
hope this answer helps you
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Data abstraction in Java:
(i) Definition:
It is a mechanism of retrieving the essential details without dealing with background details.
(ii) There are three levels of abstraction:
(a) Physical level: It deals with the physical organization architecture of the application. Ex: In real world, an application designing of any problem comes under physical level abstraction.
(b) Logical level: It deals with what kind of data we are entering without dealing with physical architecture of the application. Ex: Entering the data into the database comes under logical level abstraction.
(c) View level: It deals with what kind of data we are retrieving without dealing with both logical level abstraction and physical level abstraction. Ex: retrieving the data from the database comes under view level abstraction.
(iii) Advantages of Data abstraction:
(a) Reduce code complexity.
(b) Hiding the details & exposing the essential part.
Hope this information helps!