What is databse schema? What all does it typically include about a database?
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A database schema is basically an overall structure of your database. It shows how your data will be stored in the database and what type of data is expected. For ex:
Let's consider that you want to create a database which will contain basic information about the students of a school/class.
Now what should our database look like?
Or.. What u want to store in the database?
Let's say that we want to store Name, Age, RollNo of the students. Now our database schema should look like:
Name: type(string)
RollNo: type(Numeric)
Age: type(Numeric)
- Database name is Student, So we're storing something abt. students.
- There are 3 fields which are required
- Name, which is of type string? // what the hell is a string anyways? string is basically a datatype which represents sequence of characters like "Chris", is a string. //
- RollNo, allright roll number should be numeric
- Age, okay so age is required too. Cool!!
Hopefully, this helps!
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