What is DDL ? Write any two examples of DDL.
the full form of ddl is data definition language
DDL is Data Definition Language.
DDL Statements let you perform these tasks
use the CREATE TABLE statement to create
→Relational table which is basic structure to hold the user data.
—>Object table which is a table which uses object type for column definition.
To create relational table in your own schema you must have the CREATE TABLE system privilege.
to create a table in anothers schema you must have CREATE ANY TABLE system privilege
syntax :
CREATE TABLE tablename (column1 datatype(size) constraint[optional], column2 datatype(size) constraint[optional]);
constraint is optional depending upon the requirement we have to mention constraint type.
we can create a table from another table using 'AS'
create table employee AS select * from emp;
→in above statement it creates the table and it contains same values/columns and rows of emp table in employee table.
use the ALTER TABLE statement to alter the definition of a nonpartitioned table, a partitioned table, a table partition, or a table subpartition.
ALTER TABLE statement is used for
→add a new column
syntax: ALTER TABLE tablename
ADD column_name datatype(size);
—>modify an existing column
syntax: ALTER TABLE tablename
MODIFY column_name datatype(size);
a.we can increase or decrease the width or precision of a numeric or character column.
b. we can change one data type to another data type.
—>drop a column
syntax: ALTER TABLE tablename
DROP column_name ;
a.with ALTER TABLE statement we can drop only one column at a time
b.once column is dropped ,it cannot be recovered.