what is decarboxylation explain
Decarboxylation is a chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon dioxide (CO2). Usually, decarboxylation refers to a reaction of carboxylic acids, removing a carbon atom from a carbon chain. The reverse process, which is the first chemical step in photosynthesis, is called carboxylation, the addition of CO2 to a compound. Enzymes that catalyze decarboxylations are called decarboxylases or, the more formal term, carboxy-lyases
The process of removal of a molecule of CO2 to form a carboxylic acid is called decarboxylation.
It is usually carried out by heating a mixture of a carboxylic acid or its sodium salt with soda lime (NaOH + CaO)
Example :
NOTE : This reaction takes place under the presence of CaO & heat energy.