English, asked by Jamunan, 4 months ago

What is deceptive about the snake it is


Answered by minasharmaminaedu


Snakes have historically posed a threat to hominids.

Rural, pre-modern communities took the brunt of venomous reptile attacks.

Big cats and other animals have, of course, posed a serious menace to communities.

However, the fights with the physically strong monsters took place in the heat of the moment.

People used safety precautions such as being armed, travelling in groups, avoiding deep forest, etc. during a hunt, a cruise, or a visit to the neighbouring clan.

They knew what to do if a predator appeared to be in their route.

Even with precautions, predators occasionally prevail.

However, the clan exalted the defeat.

They claimed that the Lion was three times his size; despite his valiant efforts, the Lion bit off his healthy arm.

Although (venomous) snakes only bite people when provoked and only as a last-ditch protective measure, they have long been despised and feared because of their tremendous lethality and lack of communication, both of which were challenging to combat.

On the other hand, the Lion was a predator that kills for food and engages in fair combat using its muscles.

But snakes steal both life and honour.


Answered by arshikhan8123


Snakes have historically posed a threat to hominids. Venomous reptile attacks were most common in rural, pre-modern civilizations..


The majority of us are aware that Eve was duped into eating the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil by the snake, who also lied to her. Sin entered our planet in this way. But is the snake's deception true? To find out, let's look at Genesis 3.

God created Adam and Eve in Genesis 2 and then placed them in the Garden of Eden. God instructed them, "You may freely eat from any tree in the garden, but you shall not eat from the tree called as the knowledge of good and the evil, for in the day that you eat from it you shall definitely die".    The snake then questions Eve in Genesis 3 if God did say "You shall not eat of every tree of the garden"? (Gen. 3:1). In essence, this is what God said. The serpent continues, "You will not assuredly die," in verses 4 and 5. God understands that when you consume it, your eyes will be opened, and you will possess divine knowledge of right and evil. This is all accurate. After eating the fruit, Adam and Eve didn't perish because they were aware of the distinction between good and evil. Therefore, where was the lie? Verse 6 says. Eve "saw that the tree was good for food, that it was lovely to look at, and a tree desirable for making it on wise. The snake didn't lie to Eve; it was what he did that tricked her. Eve observed the snake consuming the fruit, thought it was appetizing, and noticed that it appeared to have given the snake the ability to speak. Because of this, she began to question what God had said and neglected to follow His advice.

Today, Satan still tricks people in this way. He will conceal minor lies within a larger lie. The ability to distinguish between what is real and what is false can only be given to us by God. We no longer have to be concerned about the Devil's trickery as we daily follow Him.


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