What is democracy all about coping with multiple pressure and accommodating diverse demands?
Heya here is ur answer
Democracy accommodates social diversity as it allows for equality, fair representation to all irrespective of their caste, creed, colour, race, religion, language or place of residence. Democracy also ensures that the government should not be made by the majority but it should have the representation of minorities as well there is a tendency of gender discrimination everywhere in the world Woman are discriminated in one way or the other India is a secular country and it never tries to give undue preference to any language Democracy is best form of government to accommodate social diversities if it must fulfills some basic conditions. They are:
Free and fair elections.
Majority rule should not be in terms of religion or race or linguistic groups.
Majority should always work in consonance with the minority.
Democracy ensures equality in a society where all the citizens are treated equal in the eye of law. It does not represent only the majority of the population but also ensure the interest of minority groups. Thus it caters to the demands of diverse elements present in a society. It had to ensure that all the citizens of a country are heard and find due representation in society.