what is democratic solution of difference and conflicts
(i) In any society people are bound to have differences of opinions and interests. These differences are particularly sharp in our country which has amazing social diversity.
(ii) People belong to different regions, speak different languages, practice different religions and have different castes. The preferences of one group can clash with those of other groups.
(iii) The conflict can be solved by brutal power. Whichever group is more powerful will dictate its terms and others will have to accept that. But that will lead to resentment.
(iv) Democracy provides the only peaceful solution to this problem. In democracy, no one is permanent winner. No one is a permanent loser. Different groups can live with one another peacefully. In a diverse country like India, democracy allows different kinds of people to live together.
Democratic political processes regulate competition among groups with conflicting preferences. Although much of the competition occurs peacefully within existing political institutions, democratic practices can also facilitate the resolution of intense conflict when the political system is challenged from within by groups fighting against the established government, and when it is challenged from without and on the brink of interstate war. This chapter provides an overview of the scholarly literature linking democracy to peace and conflict resolution, including pertinent theoretical propositions and the balance of evidence generated by empirical researchers. The promise of peace associated with civil liberty, political openness, and the foreign policies of democratic states has long figured into the writings of moral and political philosophers, perhaps most notably in Immanuel Kant’s essay Perpetual Peace, published in 1795. But the burgeoning academic literature in recent decades is largely the product of social scientific research, much (but not all) of which is built upon the analysis of
large quantitative data sets. Our primary focus, then, is what social science, and in particular political science, tells us about the relationship between democracy, conflict resolution, and peace between and within states.
The realist school of thought in international relations, which greatly influenced both scholarship and policymaking during the cold war, maintains that state behavior is primarily driven by the balance of power among rivals in the international system (Morgenthau 1948;Waltz 1979; Mearsheimer
2001). Realists assume that states resemble unitary rational actors in pursuit of a single overriding objective: survival and security in an anarchic system. The strenuous demands of the international system lead all states to behave in a similar fashion regard- less of their particular political institutions, economic structure, ideological orientation,