What is Dent tell me plz
a slight hollow in a hard even surface made by a blow or pressure.
Step-by-step explanation:
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a place where a flat surface, especially metal, has been hit and damaged but not broken
किसी की (विशेषतः धातु की) समतल सतह पर चोट के कारण पिचका हुआ स्थान
to damage a flat surface by hitting it but not breaking it
किसी वस्तु की समतल सतह को चोट मारकर पिचका देना
I hit a wall and dented the front of the car. I hit a wall and dented the front
Step-by-step explanation:
A depression or hollow made by a blow or by pressure. 2 : an appreciable impression or effect often made against resistance hasn't made a dent in the problem specifically : a weakening or lessening effect costs that have made a dent in the budget. dent. noun (2) Definition of dent