what is Dev did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people
In order to attain success in French Revolution, the revolutionaries needed to create a sense of unit among the people for which following measures were taken :-
1. A new tricolour flag was made replacinf former royal standard.
2. The Estate General which was an elected body by active citizens was made and renamed as National Assembly.
3. The ideas of fatherland and it's citizens were symbol of right to equality among the people.
4. The Centralised Administrative system worked with uniform rights and equality before law has to be mainatined.
5. Individual dues and duties were prohibited and people were made free for their living.
6. Different regional languages were stopped and one comman language French was adopted.
7. New oaths were, hyms were made and maryers commarated which created sense of nationalism.
1. Introduction of ideas of ‘ La Patrie’- the fatherland and ‘ La citoyen’- the citizens .
2. The new French tricolour flag was chosen to replace the former royal standard .
3. The Estates General was renamed National Assembly . It was elected by a body of active members .
4. New hymns were composed , oaths taken and martyrs commemorated all in the name of nation .
5. A centralised administrative system practising uniform laws for all the citizens within its territory was set up.
6. Internal custom duties and dues were abolished ; and uniform system of weights and ,ensures was adopted.
7. Regional dialects were discouraged and French , spoken in Paris , was adopted as the common language of the nation.