What is diagrammatic presentation? Explain Advantages, disadvantages and types of
Diagrammatic presentation is a technique of presenting numerical data using diagrams such as bar diagrams, pie diagrams or frequency diagrams etc. It is the most attractive and appealing way to represent statistical data. • Bar Diagram. A bar diagram is one dimensional.
Advantages of Diagrammatic Presentation
(1) Diagrams are attractive and impressive: The data presented in the form of diagrams can attract the attention of even a common man.
(2) Easy to remember: (a) Diagrams have a great memorising effect. (b) The picture created in mind by the diagrams last much longer than those created by figures presented through the tabular forms.
(3) Diagrams save time : (a) They present complex mass data in a simplified manner. (b) The data presented in the form of diagrams can be understood by the user very quickly.
(4) Diagrams simplify data: Diagrams are used to represent a huge mass of complex data in a simplified and intelligible form which is easy to understand.
(5) Diagrams are useful in making comparison: It becomes easier to compare two sets of data visually by presenting them through diagrams.
(6) More informative : Diagrams not only depict the characteristics of data but also bring out other hidden facts and relations which are not possible from the classified and tabulated data.
Types of One-Dimensional Diagram
One-dimensional diagram is a diagram in which only the length of the diagram is considered. It can be drawn in the form of a line or various types of bars.
The following are the types of one-dimensional diagram.
(1) Simple bar diagram
Simple bar diagram consists of a group of rectangular bars of equal width for each class or category of data.
(2) Multiple bar diagram
This diagram is used when we have to make a comparison between two or more variables like income and expenditure, import and export for different years, marks obtained in different subjects in different classes, etc.
(3) Subdivided bar diagram
This diagram is constructed by subdividing the bars in the ratio of various components.
(4) Percentage bar diagram
The subdivided bar diagram presented on a percentage basis is known as the percentage bar diagram.
(5) Broken-scale bar diagram
This diagram is used when the value of one observation is very high as compared to the other.
To gain space for the smaller bars of the series, the larger bars may be broken.
The value of each bar is written at the top of the bar.
(6) Deviation bar diagram
Deviation bars are used to represent net changes in the data like net profit, net loss, net exports, net imports, etc.