What is difference betweeen log2 fold change and fold change
I have 3 groups. 1. Control 2. Disease 3. Treatment. I want to lookup the gene expression btw these groups, compared with control (whether is upregulated or downregulated).
I did real-time qPCR and have ct values. I calculated ∆Ct = Ct[Target]-Ct[Housekeeping] ... and ∆∆Ct = (∆Exp.)-(∆Control) and got the -∆∆Ct log-fold-change. It looks all the values are almost same and not much different between the groups.
Fold change is calculated simply as the ratio of the difference between final value and the initial value over the original value. Thus, if the initial value is A and final value is B, the fold change is (B - A)/A or equivalently B/A - 1. ... To make this leveled, we use log2 for expressing the fold change
Fold change is calculated simply as the ratio of the difference between final value and the initial value over the original value. Thus, if the initial value is A and final value is B, the fold change is (B - A)/A or equivalently B/A - 1. ... To make this leveled, we use log2 for expressing the fold change