History, asked by TheKnowledge, 1 year ago

what is DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A.C , and B.C ?? don't spam ❎❎❎

Anonymous: Did u mean AD n BC
Anonymous: Anno Domini and before christ
Anonymous: Anno domini after the birth of christ and BC before his birth
Anonymous: My pleasure bro


Answered by aksa
"Bc" is the short for of before Christ
Nd "AD" stands for anno Domini

Bc.. Historical dates before the birth of Christ

Ad ... Historical dates after the birth of Christ
Hope this helped u

aksa: Thanku soooo much ..
aksa: ..
aksa: Y do u call me mam ..?
aksa: Any way .. it's okay
aksa: Hey no yaar ..
aksa: welcome
Answered by Atithisharma
hey here is ur answer dude,
direct current-A current whose magnitude remains constant and which always flow from one point of the circuit in one direction only called DC
note- the current obtained from a battery, cell is DC

AC- An electric current, whose magnitude remains changing harmonically and whose direction get reversed at a regular interval of time is called AC.The direction of the current is interchange twice in each rotation or cycle of coil.

Atithisharma: sorry actually a silly mistake here
Atithisharma: u can report it
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