what is difference between agro forestry and social forestry
social forestry means management and protection of forests and afforestation on barren lands with purpose of helping environment.,social and rural development
In highly populated countries, there is a demand for woods as amenities, and minimal good economic forestry practices are done there. Any timber extracted is of poor quality, on average.
On farms, small woods are often used for game shooting, ie pheasants and are managed for profit from timber extracted. Ditto hedgerow trees, but a fair proportion goes for firewood on the farm.
Commercial plantations and larger forests are often managed more intensively, with the objective of harvesting a good crop of often softwood for construction or pulp. Consistancy of the trees is important and practices such as brashing to remove lower rancjhes early are normal, as is thinning at varios stages to bothprovide income and gett better stands for final felling.