what is difference between autonomy on paper only and political interference ?
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Private Sector and Public Sector There are all kinds of business organisations small or large organisation, privately owned or government owned existing.In our country. These organisation affect our daily economic life and therefore become part of the Indian Economy.
Since the Indian Economy consists of both privately owned and government owned business enterprises. it. is known as mixed economy.
2. Form of Public Sector Enterprises Public sector organisations are formed in three different forms
(i) Departmental undertaking
(ii) Public corporation/Statutory corporation
(iii) Government company
3. Departmental Undertakings This is the oldest form of public sector considered as enterprises. The departmental undertaking one of the departments of government. It has is no separate existence than government.
(i) Features
(a) They are a part of government only, there is no separate entity.
(b) They are financed from the annual budgets of the government.
(c) The revenues of departmental undertakings arc civil servants and recruited and compansated as per the rules of civil servants.
(d) They can be sued in the same manner as one can file a suit against the government.
(i) Merits
(a) Easy formation
(b) Effective control
(c) Optimum utilisation of funds
(d) Accountability
(e) Public revenue
(f) Secrecy
(iii) Demerits
(a) Inflexibility
(b) Lack of motivation
(c) Lack of financial autonomy
(d) Inefficient management
(e) Red tapism and bureaucracy
4. Public Corporation/Statutory Corporation A statutory corporation is a body corporate formed by Special Act of Parliament or by the central or state legislation. It is fully financed by the government.
(i) Features
(a) It is created by an Act of Parliament or central or state legislature.
(b) The powers, objectives and limitations of public corporation are defined in the out only.
(c) It operates under total control of Central or State Government.
(d) It is managed by the board of directors who are nominated by the government.
(e) The main motive of public corporation is service to general public.
(f) The Accounts of Public Corporation are generally audited by the Controller and Auditor General.
(ii) Merits
(a) Administrative autonomy
(b) Quick decision
(c) Service motive
(d) Efficient staff
(e) Professional management
(iii) Demerits
(a) Autonomy on paper only
(b) Lack of initiative
(c) Rigid structure
(d) Unfair Practices
5. Government Companies Government Company means any company in which at least 51% of the paid up share capital is held by the Central or State Government or partly by Central or State Government.
For example, Steel Authority of India
(i) Features
(a) Registration
(b) Ownership
(c) Management
(d) Separate legal entity
(e) Ministerial control
(f) Financial autonomy
(g) Efficient staff
(h) Accountability
(ii) Merits
(a) Administrative autonomy
(b) Greater flexibility
(c) Efficient staff
(d) Collaboration
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