What is difference between blister Copper and copper explain the formation of blister copper
Blister copper consists of an impure form of copper produced by blowing air through molten copper matte. During the conversion process, sulphur, iron and other impurities are oxidised. ... Note: Copper anodes forelectrolytic refining should not be confused with anodes for electro-copper-plating.
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Blister copper consists of an impure form of copper produced by blowing air through molten copper matte. During the conversion process, sulphur, iron and other impurities are oxidised. ... Note: Copper anodes for electrolytic refining should not be confused with anodes for electro-copper-plating.
How is blister copper formed?
The liquid matte is oxidised with air to form blister copper in a converter. ... The name 'blister' copper comes from the fact that this final process produces bubbles of sulphur dioxide on the surface of the copper. The blister copper is cast into anodes ready for electrolytic refining.