Biology, asked by tanaya9273, 1 year ago

what is difference between chordata and non chordata ..??​


Answered by DestroyerJuli

Pharyngeal gill slits are present at some stage of life in Chordates and it is completely absent in Non-chordates. ... Chordates can be cold or warm-blooded, while Non-chordates are cold-blooded only. Nerve cord is single, dorsal, without ganglia in Chordates and in Non-chordates it is double, ventral, and with ganglia.

Answered by nitishakg



Comparison Chart

Basis For Comparison  Chordates Non-chordates

Respiration  Through gills or lungs. Through body surface, gills,or tracheae.

Body temperature Cold or warm-blooded. Cold-blooded.

Notochord Present at some stage or replaced by a backbone made of ring like vertebrae (present in embryo). Notochord or backbone absent.

Haemoglobin In red corpuscles (RBC).  In plasma or absent.

Nervous system Hollow (central dorsal). Solid (central nervous system).

Germ layers Triploblastic  Can be absent or diploblastic or triploblastic.

Coelom Truly Coelomate. Acoelmate, pseudocoelmate or truly coelmate.

Symmetry  Bilateral. Radial, bi radial, bilateral or lacking.

Metamorphism (linear series of body segments) True Metamerism. True or pseudo metamerism or absent.

Post-anal tail Usually present.  Absent.

Grade of organisation Organ-system. Protoplasmic to organ-system.

Brain Dorsal to pharynx in head. Absent and above pharynx (if present).

Limb derivation  From several segments. From same segment.

Gut position  Ventral to nerve cord. Dorsal to nerve cord.

Pharyngeal gill-slits Present at some stage of life. Absent.

Anus Differentiated and opens before the last segment. Opens on the last segment or absent.

Blood vascular system Closed  Absent and if present open or closed.

Heart Ventrally placed. Absent and if present dorsal or lateral.

Nerve cord Single, dorsal, without ganglia. Double, ventral, usually bearing ganglia.

Reproduction Sexual reproduction predominant. Asexual reproduction predominant.

Regeneration power Usually poor.  Usually good.

Exoskeleton/ Endoskeleton Both are present. Only exoskeleton is present.

Example  Hemichordata, Cyclostomata, Aves, Reptiles, Amphibia, Mammals . Protozoa, Arthropods, Annelids, etc.

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