English, asked by sankalp08, 10 months ago

what is difference between phrase and clause


Answered by aksh92


Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:

Identify factors involved in childhood sleep problems.

Recognize different types of night waking disorders due to problems arising from deep cycles of sleep.

Describe problems related to different types of sleep onset disorders related to the child’s age.

Identify the sleep disorder that is especially common among preschoolers.

Identify the most common cause of daytime sleepiness.


Sleep problems are very common during childhood, occurring in 20% to 30% of children. They are often a clue to underlying emotional, interactional, or family problems that deserve attention and may be the aspect of the child’s functioning that the family is most open to addressing. Sleep problems can be a source of stress and sleeplessness for parents and behavioral or learning difficulties for the child, but families may not be aware that the clinician can help. Sleep disturbances generally are resolved easily by the primary care physician in fewer than 3 weeks by using behavioral interventions, but they can persist for more than 3 years if left untreated.

General Clinical Guidelines

Sleep problems almost always can be diagnosed and treated based solely on a careful history. An algorithm of questions for sorting out sleep problems forms the structure for this article. In addition, the clinician may want to ask some “trigger” questions to determine related family/environmental factors: “At what age did the problem begin?” “What else was happening at that time?” “How much of a problem is this?” “What factors are associated with it worsening or getting better?” “Who are the family members most affected by the problem?”“ What have others told you about this sleep problem?” Family sleep practices and the family’s cultural expectations for independent sleeping will affect treatment planning.

As a general guide:

Obtain specific temporal descriptions of napping, daytime sleepiness, bedtimes, and …

Answered by aditya176653


phase does not have subject and verb it does not give complete meaning which clause gives complete meaning and this have both subject and verb

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