Science, asked by Anonymous, 9 months ago

what is difference between stator and rotar☺️? in three phase induction​


Answered by preeta9399


  • setor is a stringed musical instrument played in the eastern regions of Tajikistan, within the Pamiri culture
  • It is a much larger instrument than the iranian setar, and more closely resembles the Uzbek tanbur or indian star.
  • The sector has metal strings and is played with wire fingrepicks.


  • The phase involves the relationship between the position of the amplitude crests and thoughs of two waveform.
  • Phase can be measured in distance, time, or degrees.
  • If the peaks of two signals with the same frequency are in exact alignment at the same time, they are said to be in phase.

Hope you like it plzz thank, følløw nd Mark it as brainlist....... Thank u

Answered by mohitgurjar5935


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