Chemistry, asked by firoozahmadamani, 10 months ago

What is difference between valence and oxidation number of an atom


Answered by gautammishra53
Valency is the maximum no. of electrons which an atom can lose or gain while oxidation no. is the actual no. of electrons which the elementlose or gain to form a molecule. 2.Valency is the property of an isolatedatom while oxidation state iscalculated for an atom is present in amolecule i.e, in a bonded state
Answered by yuvikacool123
Valency is the combining capacity of an element whereas O.N. is the charge on an atom when combined with other atoms.Valency is only a number and does not have +ve or -ve sign whereas ON is a charge and have +ve or -ve sign.Valency can’t be zero whereas ON can be zero. e.g. C in CH2Cl2.Valency is always a whole numberwhereas ON may not be a whole number. e.g. Fe in Fe3O4 (8/3).Valency of an element is fixed e.g. C = 4 always whereas O.N. may be different e.g. C in CH4 (-4) ; in C2H6 (-3) ; in CH3Cl (-2) ; in CCl4 (+4).
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