What is different approaches categorizing tlm
Answer: Teaching and learning in the classroom is enhanced by the use of different kinds of teaching learning materials or TLM. There are different approaches of categorising TLM. They are:-
A. On the basis of the material used
a. Projected - For instance, slide projector, filmstrip projector, TV or VCR.
b. Non- Projected - For instance, chalkboard, flannel board, whiteboard.
B. They are categorized as visual, audio, and audio-visual teaching aids.
a. Visual aids
The aids which use the sense of vision to enhance learning are known as visual aids. Actual objects, charts, models, maps, pictures, flash cards, bulletin board, flannel board, chalkboard, slides and overhead projector are some visual aids. The black board and chalk are the most common visual aids.
b. Audio aids
The teaching aids which involve the sense of hearing are known as audio aids. Radio, gramophone and tape recorder are some examples of audio aids.
c. Audio-Visual aids
Audio-visual aids involve the sense of vision and hearing. Television, film strips, film projector are some audio-visual aids.
C. On the basis of the learners' participation.
a. Kinesthetic - Learners are active, they participate in handling, altering or manipulating the item.
b. Observational - Learners are passive, they observe the item.
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The different approaches of categorizing TLM are;
Transmission-line matrix (TLM) method - Transmission-line matrix (TLM) scheme is a time and point discretizing system for estimatation of electromagnetic disciplines. It is based on the relationship among the electromagnetic domain and a web of transmission channels.
Teaching and Learning Materials (TLM) - The pedagogy and education system introduces to the common policies, education and administration procedures used for classroom instruction. The selection of instruction program depends on classroom demographics, and school mission report.