what is different parts of fraction
A fraction names part of a region or part of a group. The top number of a fraction is called its numerator and the bottom part is its denominator. Looking at the numbers above, we have: There are two equal parts, giving a denominator of 2.
Step-by-step explanation:
There are mainly three different types of fractions:
1.Proper fractions,
2.Improper Fractions,
3.Mixed fractions..
Except these three there are a few other fractions too.. Let’s discuss about fractions in details:
What are fractions?
If you cut an object into smaller parts you need a way of expressing what these parts are. For example, you can cut a pie into two equal pieces so that there are two halves. The two halves make up the whole pie.
You can write this mathematically as:
You can also cut the pie into three equal pieces, ie thirds. The three thirds make up the whole pie. You can write another mathematical expression for this, too.
This way of expressing a part of a whole mathematically is called a fraction.
The top number (numerator) of a fraction tells how many parts there are.
The bottom number (denominator) of a fraction tells how many parts make a whole.
Every fraction tells us about itself and the original whole it came from.
For example 2/5 means there were 5 parts in the whole and you have 2 of them.
There are several types of fractions.
Common fractions (also called vulgar fractions or proper fractions). This type of fraction is smaller than one but greater than zero.
Improper fractions are fractions where the top number (numerator) is larger than the bottom number (denominator). This means that this type of fraction is actually greater than one.
Mixed numbers are those where a fraction is written after a whole number.
An improper fraction can be rearranged to be written as a mixed number
Equivalent fractions are fractions that have the same value as each other.
If both the numerator and denominator of any fraction are multiplied by the same number the value of the fraction is unchanged.
Decimal fractions are numbers that are made up of a whole number and a decimal fraction.
A decimal fraction can be considered to be a fraction where the denominator has been divided into the numerator.