Science, asked by gamer7854, 7 months ago

What is Digestion? 2. Where is the bile produced? Which component of the food does it digest? 3. Name the type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants but not by humans. Give the reason also. 4. Write one similarity and one difference between the nutrition in amoeba and human beings. 5. What is Absorption? 6. Why do we get instant energy from glucose? 7. What is salivary digestion? 8. What are parasites? 9. Name the various digestive organs of man? 10. What is cellouse? 11. What is the function of premolars and molars? Write the number of both teeth in each jaw 12. Which teeth do you use for piercing and tearing? Write the number of these teeth. 13. How many types of teeth do you find in humans? Name them. 14. What are the main steps of digestion in humans? 15. Name the type of food and mode of feeding of the following animals- (a)Ant (b)Mosquito 16.What is digestion? 17.Write the function of the tongue? 18.Where is saliva produced? 19.Name the organs of the human digestive system? 20.Name the different types of teeth found in human beings? 21.Give an example of ruminants? 1. What are villi? What is their location and function? 2. Why do we get instant energy from glucose? 3. Can we survive only on raw, leafy vegetables/grass? Discuss. 4. Where are the salivary glands located and what is their functions ? 5. Explain the term Assimilation, Pseudopodia? 6. What do you understand by rumen and rumination? 7. Write the functions of the tongue. 8. What is the difference between milk teeth and permanent teeth? 9. Differentiate between incisors and canines? 10.Name the acid produced in the stomach? 11.Name any one digestive juice and describe its role in digestion? 12.Water is villi? 13.How does the liver help in the digestion of food? 14.What is rumination?


Answered by sparthiv2007


  1. Digestion is the process by which food is broken down into it's components.
  2. Bile is produced in the liver. It does't digest anything. It breaks fat lumps into smaller bits.
  3. It is cellulose as some animals have the digestive fluids while humans don't.
  4. In amoeba, food is ingested through psuedopodia while in humans, it is taken in through the mouth. Both organisms secrete digestive juices to digest their food.
  5. Absorption is the process by which the food is released into ur bloodstream.
  6. We get instant energy from glucose as glucose is the final form of food before absorption and also, it is the simplest form of energy.
  7. Conversion of lactose and sucrose and others into glucose.
  8. Parasites are organisms which rely on the host for food, water, etc.
  9. Teeth, Stomach,Small Intestine, Large Intestine and out of the body through the anus.
  10. Cellulose is plant fiber
  11. To grind food. In each jaw we have 6 molars ad 4 pre-molars.
  12. Canines.4 r found in humans.
  13. 4. Inscicors, canines, pre molars and molars
  14. Ingestion,Digestion,Assimilation,Absorption,Egestion
  15. a)simple foods like food particles,etc b)Blood ad liquids through proboscis
  16. The process of breaking down of large,insoluble pieces of food into water soluble particles.
  17. to move food and mix saliva
  18. in salivary glands
  19. Same as 9th question
  20. Refer to 13th question
  21. Cow,Buffalo
  1. Villi are tiny structures in small intestine for absorbing food
  2. refer 6th question
  3. no as we can't digest cellulose
  4. in the mouth and to make foods into simpler forms
  5. Assimilation means complete break down of food.
  6. Process of re chewing food
  7. refer q.17
  8. In milk teeth only 20 r there while in permanent teeth, 32 r there
  9. incisors are cutting teeth.Canines are tearing teeth
  10. HCl Hydrochloric Acid
  11. Bile, breaking fat lumps into smaller pieces
  12. I cudn't understand "Water is Villi?"
  13. Breaking of fats which meas less load on stomach
  14. refer q6 of the new ordered list

Hoping so this helped u

pls. mark me as brainliest

Answered by yash6699

The bile plays an important role in the digestion of fats. Q 7. Name the type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants but not by

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