what is disadvantages of green revolution?
Loss of fertility with use of chemicalfertilizers.
Loss of fertility with use of chemicalfertilizers.Use of tube wells reduced the water table.
Loss of fertility with use of chemicalfertilizers.Use of tube wells reduced the water table.Chemical fertilizers polluted ground water.
Loss of fertility with use of chemicalfertilizers.Use of tube wells reduced the water table.Chemical fertilizers polluted ground water.Kills bacteria and micro organism helpful fossil.
Loss of fertility with use of chemicalfertilizers.Use of tube wells reduced the water table.Chemical fertilizers polluted ground water.Kills bacteria and micro organism helpful fossil.Excessive use of fertilizers makes soil alkaline and unfit for cultivation.
created a lack of biodiversity in the global cropland structures. It can be wiped out with one devastating disease. It reduces the quality of the soil used for growing crops