English, asked by Blink07, 4 months ago

what is Dispatched ??​


Answered by SpandanaGutam


transitive verb. 1 : to send off or away with promptness or speed dispatch a letter dispatch an ambulance to the scene especially : to send off on official business dispatch a messenger. 2a : to kill with quick efficiency dispatched the deer with one shot.


What does it mean when your order is dispatched?

It means that your order has left the business, from which it was made or produced and is on its way to you. It is the next step after assembling, making, or it getting together. Then they dispatch your order to a mailing or delivery service.

I Hope this helps you

Answered by divyanshipoona67


past tense: dispatched; past participle: dispatched

1.send off to a destination or for a purpose.

"he dispatched messages back to base"

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