Biology, asked by khanashrafanwar091, 1 year ago

What is disrruptive selection? Give



Answered by c00li0


down below hope this helps


Disruptive selection, also called diversifying selection, describes changes in population genetics in which extreme values for a trait are favored over intermediate values. In this case, the variance of the trait increases and the population is divided into two distinct groups.


Peppered moths: One of the most studied examples of disruptive selection is the case of ​London's peppered moths. ...

Oysters: Light- and dark-colored oysters could also have a camouflage advantage as opposed to their medium-colored relatives.

Answered by ashimahe2000

Answer:If an environment has extremes, those who don't blend into either will be eaten the most quickly, whether they're moths, oysters, toads, birds or another animal.

For example, students might pick Darwin's finches with their different sized beaks, the ability of light and dark oysters to better camouflage than medium colored ones, or the case of peppered moths in London.


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