what is distructive distillation??
estructive distillation is the chemical process of the decomposition of unprocessed material by heating it to a high temperature; the term generally applies to processing of organic material in the absence of air or in the presence of limited amounts of oxygen or other reagents, catalysts, or solvents, such as steam ...
Destructive distillation is a process by which organic substances such as wood, coal, and oil shale are decomposed by heat in the absence of air and distilled to produce useful products such as coke, charcoal, oils, and gases.
⏩ Destructive distillation of wood produces hundreds of compounds including tar, terpenes, turpentine and methanol together with a solid residue of charcoal.
⏩ Destructive distillation of a ton of coal can produce 700 kg of coke, 100 liters of liquor ammonia, 50 liters of coal tar and 400 m3 of coal gas.
⏩ Destructive distillation is an increasingly promising method for recycling monomers derived from waste polymers.
⏩ Destructive distillation of natural rubber resulted in the discovery of Isoprene which led to the creation of synthetic rubbers such as neoprene.