what is diurnal?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
diurnal mean that animal. which active in day.....
Diurnal animals, including squirrels and songbirds, are active during the daytime. Crepuscular species, such as rabbits, skunks, tigers, and hyenas, are often erroneously referred to as nocturnal.
example of a diurnal animal
The day shift includes animals such as humans, dogs, songbirds, elephants, squirrels, gorillas, deer, hawks, lizards, butterflies, honeybees, and chimpanzees. The night shift includes such animals as owls, bats, and mice. Some animals have both nocturnal and diurnal species.
diurnal insects
Diurnal. Diurnal organisms are those that are active during the day. Common examples include most species of butterfly and dragonfly. In the case of dragonflies they are fierce predators with large eyes and hunt by day.