what is docking windows?
Docking windows are parts of the Harmony interface that can float above the program, be dragged beyond the program's borders, or remain fixed in one of several locations. (By default, all of these windows are docked.)
Docking windows are parts of the Harmony interface that can float above the program, be dragged beyond the program's borders, or remain fixed in one of several locations. (By default, all of these windows are docked.)
There are three different types of docking windows in Harmony:
1. Panes
2. Tabbed Views
3. Toolbars
You can show or hide major docking windows using the options under the View, Toolbars and Docking Windows submenu.
Select the names of individual docking windows to show them; deselect the names to hide them. Click Show all Docking Windows to show all of the docking windows at once.
Panes are windows in the Harmony program that contain specific groups of data. They include the Entity Viewer – Hierarchy pane, the Entity Viewer – Custom pane, the Clipboard, the Status Window, and all of the data windows inside the tabs.
Floating a Pane
There are three ways to float most panes:
1. Click the title bar, and then drag the pane.
2. Double-click the title bar.
3. Right-click the title bar and select Floating.
Note: The Entity Viewer panes do not have this option.
Docking a Pane
There are three ways to dock most panes:
1. Double-click the title bar to return the pane to its last docked position.
2. Right-click the title bar and select Docking.
Note: The Entity Viewer panes do not have this option.
3. Click the title bar; then drag the pane onto one of the locations indicated by the docking navigator that appears on the screen.
Hiding a Pane
To hide a pane, right-click the title bar and select Hide.
Note: This feature is only available for the Clipboard and the Status Window, and is not available when they are in Auto Hide mode.
Auto-Hiding a Pane
Auto-hiding a pane reduces it to a tab in order to maximize working space. Note that this feature is only available for the Clipboard and the Status Window when they are docked.
To auto-hide a pane, right-click the title bar and select Auto Hide.
Hovering the mouse over the tab temporarily restores it to full size. Clicking or hovering the mouse outside the pane returns it to Auto Hide mode.
Tabbed Views (Floating a Tabbed Window)
The tabbed views across the top of the Harmony window can be floated over the program to facilitate the comparison of data between windows.
To float a tabbed window, double-click the tab. (The Analysis tab can only be floated when it contains one or more analysis worksheets.)
To return a floating tabbed view to its docked position, double-click the tab again.
Toolbars (Floating a Docking Toolbar)
To float a docking toolbar, double-click the left-side border.
Note: Not all toolbars are docking toolbars.
To dock a floating toolbar, double-click its title bar. The toolbar returns to its default docking position.