Physics, asked by Anonymous, 2 months ago

What is easier to move a box from rest or to move it when it is already in motion ?give example with suitable pictures ? ​


Answered by Anonymous



It is easier to move a box which is already in motion then to move it from rest because when th box is in motion its net speed working on it is more ,so it is easier to move a box which is already in motion .

Answered by Anonymous

Required answer:-

It is easier to move a box that is already in motion because when the box is moving then the net speed is working there. It is harder to move the box from rest as compare to moving because there needs a more force to move the rest object from rest.


\setlength{\unitlength}{2mm}\begin{picture}(0,0)\thicklines\put(0,0){\line(3,0){3cm}}\multiput(1,0)(1,0){14}{\qbezier(0,0)(-0.4,-0.4)(-0.9,-0.9)}\put(4,0){\line(0,3){0.6cm}}\put(10,0){\line(0,3){0.6cm}}\put(4,3){\line(3,0){1.2cm}}\put(6,1){$\sf m_1 $}\put(2,5){$\sf\xrightarrow{Acceleration}$}\put(-3,1){$\xrightarrow{\sf Force\quad}$}\end{picture}


In the above diagram, The force is exerted on the object from a side. It is at rest. After the force is exerted, the object moves with the acceleration ‘a’. Here it needed the more force to move an object from rest as compare to the moving object.

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