Physics, asked by armaan88, 10 months ago

What is electromagnetic spectrum? Write briefly about its parts..... .. ............... .....No spam


Answered by S4MAEL


\blue{\textbf{Electromagnetic spectrum}}:-

The orderly distribution of em. waves according to their \textbf{wavelengths} is called electromagnetic spectrum.

It consists e.m. waves having \textbf{wavelength} from ,

6 \times {10}^{ - 14} m \: to \: 6 \times {10}^{6} m

or ,

\blue{\texttt{frequency from}} ,

50 \: hz \: to \: {10}^{22}

The main parts of this spectrum are as follow :-

(i) \gamma - rays

These rays are highly \textbf{energetic radiations} produced in nuclear reactions and also emitted by the radioactive nuclei and have

\blue{\texttt{frequency range from ,</p><p></p><p>}}

3 \times {10}^{19}hz \: to \: 5 \times {10}^{22}hz

(ii) \red{\textbf{X-rays}} : -

The X-rays are produced when highly \textbf{energetic electrons} are bombarded on a metal target having atomic number . These rays were \textbf{discovered} by \red{\textbf{W .Rontgen}} and \blue{\texttt{have frequency range from,}},

 {10}^{16} \: hz \: to \: {10}^{19} \: hz

(iii) \red{\textbf{Ultra-violet rays}}. :-

The ultraviolet rays are part of the solar radiations and can also be produced by \textbf{discharge through mercury} (or xenon) and by arcs of mercury (or iron) .These rays were \textbf{discovered} by \red{\textbf{Ritter}} and have \blue{\texttt{frequency range from ,}}

8 \times {10}^{14} \: to \: 5 \times {10}^{17} \: hz

Most of the ultraviolet light coming from the sun is absorbed by the ozone layer .

(iv) \red{\textbf{Visible light}}. : -

These rays form a part of \textbf{solar radiations} and can also be produced by atomic excitations, molecular excitations and arc flame. The \blue{\texttt{frequency of visible radiations}} is from ,

4 \times {10}^{14} hz \: to \: 8 \times {10}^{14} \: hz

(v)\red{\textbf{Infra-red radiations}}: -

The infra-red radiations are also called \textbf{t}heat (or thermal) radiations emitted by all hot bodies. The Nernst lamp, Globar (Silicon carbide rod) and Co2-laser are used in laboratories to produce\textbf{ I. R. radiations}. These radiations were discovered by \red{\textbf{Hershall}} and \blue{\texttt{frequency range from}},

 {10}^{13 \: } hz \: to \: 4 \times {10}^{4} \: hz

Infrared tadiations play an important role in maintaining earth's warmth through '\textbf{greenhouse effect}'.

(vi) \red{\textbf{Microwaves}} :-

Microwaves are produced by \textbf{special vacuum tubes} such as klystron, magnetrons and Gunn diodes. These wave have

\blue{\texttt{frequency range from}},

3 \times {10}^{11} \: hz \: to \: {10}^{13} hz

Due to their short wavelength, they are suitable for the \textbf{RADAR }and other communication systems}.

(vii)\red{\textbf{Radio waves}}. : -

The radio waves are produced by \textbf{electronic oscillators}, are used in radio broadcasting, T. V, transmission, mobile phones, etc. These waves have \blue{\texttt{frequency range from}}:-

3 \times {10}^{4} \: hz \: to \: 3 \times {10}^{8} \: hz

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Answered by jasmeenbajwa

Electromagnetic spectrum, the entire distribution of electromagnetic radiation according to frequency or wavelength. Although all electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum, they do so at a wide range of frequencies, wavelengths, and photon energies.

wavelength, and gamma rays have the shortest wavelength.

Radio waves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays are all types of electromagnetic radiation. Radio waves have the longest wavelength, and gamma rays have the shortest wavelength.

donazfarkhanssp1: Nice
bariskhan: hii
karthikSMART: nice
jack8835: Hi nice Dood
jack8835: hii
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