What is eletric linez of force ?
Electric lines of force (or electric field lines) are the imaginary continuous lines (or curves) drawn in an electric field such that tangent to it at any point gives the direction of the electric force at that point.
Some properties of electric lines of force:
1) The tangent to a point on an electric field line gives the direction of electric field.
2) The density of electric field lines gives the measure of its strength.
ie, where there will large number of electric field lines, the strength of electric field will be high (and vise versa).
3) Two electric field lines never intersect each other.
4) Electric field lines are continuous curves in space.
5) Electric field lines are perpendicular to the surface of conductor.
6) Electric field lines do not exist inside the conductors.( they only exist on the surface of conductors).
7) Electric field lines exist inside as well as on the surface of the insulators.
8) Electric field lines do not form closed loop.
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