What is english word for person who always opposes change?
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To argue
Physical fights
Ending, solving and avoiding arguments and fights
To oppose something or someone
Expressions showing anger and used in arguments
Words used to describe people who are quick to argue
opposed adjective
someone who is opposed to something thinks it should not happen or should not be done
opposing adjective
competing against, fighting, or arguing with someone else or with each other
hostile adjective
opposing something
against preposition
used for stating which plan, idea, or action someone opposes and thinks is wrong
antagonistic adjective
opposing something strongly
rebellious adjective
opposing authority or accepted ways of doing things
adversarial adjective
formal involving people arguing with or opposing each other
negative adjective
expressing opposition to something, especially when there is a choice
(dead) set against something phrase
completely opposed to something
resistant adjective
opposed to something
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used with adjectives, nouns and verbs to describe the activity of making something seem as if it has certain qualities when in fact this may not be complet