what is environment? what is home environment?
the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
The home environment entails: emotional warmth displayed by parents while interacting with their children; provision of stimulating and learning experiences in the home; and physical surroundings, such as safety of play areas and cleanliness
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The term 'environment has been widely used and has various meanings and interpretations. The word environment onginoty is take from the French word "Environia" which means the surround. The environmenta means of nature. In other words, environment is the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area especially as affected by human activity. The environment can also be meant for all things around us including living things or non iiving For example, natural forom, human beings, animal plants and other living things such as water, climate temperature and pressure which provide growth and development as well as damage to the earth itself. According to P Gisbert "Environment is anything immediately surrounding an object and exerting a direct influence on it. Acconting to E J Ross "Environment is an external force which influences us The environment can be referred to anything that surrounds by an object and anything that give impact to it. It also refers to things surrounded and may made changes due to factors such as natural, artificial social, biological and social psychological According to an environmentalism is based on the teachings of monotheism or unity of understanding that combines human nature and Allah hilan hos mode morality as the core of the relationship between human nature and Allah Bosed on this theory. It is proven that any problems or environmental pollution arise from the imperfections of human marality against himself, nature and Allah. The concept of human being as a Coiph indicates that this environment is the right of Allah and His creation that man must carry out the trust in addition, this nature is an implied sign or symbol of Allah's greatness and powers. The islamic view of the Environmentin Islam, God is the real owner of the universe. The sky and the sun, the moon and the stars are decorating the sky, also the flowers, trees, and various other plants and assort kinds of animals are the creation of Allah SWT. He is the one who causes the rivers to flow on the earth, upholding the sky without pitors or support and making the night and the day. In the creation of the earth and the universe as described in the Qurant there are signs of the Power of Allah that we can see and observe Besides, Allah also states in several other verses that clearly describe the process of creation of the earth and the universe indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alteration of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding (05. All Iman 190) Another verse in Quran refers to creation of earth Surely your Lond is God, who created the heavens and the earth in soxdays-then sot Himself upon the Throne covering the day with the night it pursues urgently and the sun and the moon, and the stars subservient, by His command, Verily, His are the creation and the command lessed be God, the Lord of all Being (QS Al A'raaf: 54)As we know the earth is created for humankind, it can be used for any purpose as long as it does not give a bad effect on the environment and ecological balance. Islam is a religion that strictly prohibits its Ummah to excessive in search of worldly things Alloh has created everything in this world with its own measurement. There is nothing to be underestimated and nothing is over him everything is enough and perfect, as Allah stotes in the Quran, which means who has created all things well And He originated the creation of man out of clay 105 As Sajda 77)Muslims believe that Allah created the heaven and the earth in the best possible way. He made the mountains the rivers and the sea so that humans could find their Suelihood Water is a very important element in istom. Furthermore, water is also one of the blessings of the world given by Allah to his creatures. It is an evident and proven with a repeat of the Arabic word for woter (Ma) 63 times in the entire Quran. The total number of words in the Quran is 6.666 fractures if divided by 63 tractions it almost reaches 1% of the whole Quran verse. This proves that almost 1% (0.945 of Quran content is about water. It can be seen that 60 percent of the human body is water and most of the amount of water is found in human cells. Besides, nearly 71 percent of the earth is filled with water. Not only in the sea, water also exists in the air water vapor), rivers. takes, ice cops, glaciers, soils and aquifers Moreover, water is very important in human life because it is used almast in every aspect of human life. Not only for drinking, water is also used in various forms of daily octivities such as woshing, bothing, worship and so on Apart from being used for domestic uses, water is also very important in economic activities such as industry, manufacturing and transportation in fact, water also helps generate electricity in the dam. But water can also have adverse effects on humans such as floods mud floods and water pollution in acid rain