What is epigraphy?
Answer in brief guys!
Epigraphy refrs to the study and interpretation inscriptions. It also include the study of ancient languages and scripts, which can be found in the form of inscriptions, scriptures and writings in various forms, like clay tablets, copper plates, palm leaves, etc.
Epigraphy, the study of written matter recorded on hard or durable material. The term is derived from the Classical Greek epigraphein (“to write upon, incise”) and epigraphē (“inscription”).
Epigraphy:The study of interpretation of ancient incriptions.
Some notable examples include: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: “Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay / To mound me Man, did I solicit thee / From darkness to promote me?” —Paradise Lost. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: “Lawyers, I suppose, were children once.” —Charles Lamb.