Computer Science, asked by Moana6978, 2 months ago

What is error list different types of error and explain


Answered by r27272278

There are different sources of error and are classified as follows:

A). GROSS ERROR:- The human made error are called gross error.

Example:- Person using an instrument and recording wrong data may be due to fault in instrument etc.

The ways to reduce the gross error is as follows:

1. More number of readings should be taken.

2. The reading should be taken after rectifying the instrumental error.


The error arises due to fault in the system used in measurement.

These are further classified as instrumental, environmental, observational error.

1). Instrumental Error- the error due to manufacturing and are may also be due to misuse of instrument.

2). Environmental Error:- these are the external conditions that effects the measurement of reading for example the pressure. temperature etc.

These are avoided by taking following measures:-

1).The equipments free from all clutter.

2). The arrangement of the experiment should be proper.

3). Observational error:-the error which is present due the observation of the reading.

This can be avoided by taking digital instruments.

c). RANDOM ERROR:- these are the error that is caused mostly by nature

Example:- sudden change in the weather and these are also called as residual error.

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