what is evolution ? explain with examples
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Examples of Evolution
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Evolution is the change over time. These changes may involve all aspects of life including mutation, natural selection, genetic drift, thought and technology.
Evolution Examples in Nature
Peppered moth - This moth had a light coloring darkened after the Industrial Revolution, due to the pollution of the time. This mutation came about because the light colored moths were seen by birds more readily, so with natural selection, the dark colored moths survived to reproduce.
Live Birth in Three-toed Skinks - This lizard can either lay eggs or have live birth. Skinks that line in a coastal area usually lay eggs and those in cooler climates tend to give birth. Females secrete calcium for the live birth to make up for not having a shell.
Interaction between Crabs and Mussels - Blue mussels in New England have been observed thickening their shells when they spot Asian shore crabs. This behavior only happens in mussels from a region where Asian shore crabs are endemic.
Italian Wall Lizards - These lizards were taken to an island and left there to see any changes that occurred. They shifted their diet and ate more vegetation, causing a change to their head size, giving them a stronger bite. They also developed cecal valves in their intestine which gives bacteria more time to break down the vegetation.
Cane Toads - There are an invasive species in Australia. When they were studied, they had developed longer legs, were more active and were bigger and hardier.
Darwin’s Finches - The finches on the Galapagos Islands have all developed different beaks. Originally, the finches had large beaks for cracking large nuts.
A group of finches came from another island who were larger and drove those away and ate their nuts. Over time, the finches developed beaks to eat smaller nuts that the other finches did not eat.
Butterflies and Parasites - The Blue Moon Butterfly on the Samoan islands was attacked by a parasite, which destroyed male embryos. This changed the balance of male and female but that was remedied within 10 generations. This is because the few male moths that were immune lived to breed.
Rat Snake - The coloration of rat snakes have changed according to their location. They can be found with yellow, black, orange and green colorations, and live all over the eastern half of the United Sta
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Examples of Evolution
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image: http://www.yourdictionary.com/image/articles/18603.ThinkstockPhotos-485647586.jpg
Evolution is the change over time. These changes may involve all aspects of life including mutation, natural selection, genetic drift, thought and technology.
Evolution Examples in Nature
Peppered moth - This moth had a light coloring darkened after the Industrial Revolution, due to the pollution of the time. This mutation came about because the light colored moths were seen by birds more readily, so with natural selection, the dark colored moths survived to reproduce.
Live Birth in Three-toed Skinks - This lizard can either lay eggs or have live birth. Skinks that line in a coastal area usually lay eggs and those in cooler climates tend to give birth. Females secrete calcium for the live birth to make up for not having a shell.
Interaction between Crabs and Mussels - Blue mussels in New England have been observed thickening their shells when they spot Asian shore crabs. This behavior only happens in mussels from a region where Asian shore crabs are endemic.
Italian Wall Lizards - These lizards were taken to an island and left there to see any changes that occurred. They shifted their diet and ate more vegetation, causing a change to their head size, giving them a stronger bite. They also developed cecal valves in their intestine which gives bacteria more time to break down the vegetation.
Cane Toads - There are an invasive species in Australia. When they were studied, they had developed longer legs, were more active and were bigger and hardier.
Darwin’s Finches - The finches on the Galapagos Islands have all developed different beaks. Originally, the finches had large beaks for cracking large nuts.
A group of finches came from another island who were larger and drove those away and ate their nuts. Over time, the finches developed beaks to eat smaller nuts that the other finches did not eat.
Butterflies and Parasites - The Blue Moon Butterfly on the Samoan islands was attacked by a parasite, which destroyed male embryos. This changed the balance of male and female but that was remedied within 10 generations. This is because the few male moths that were immune lived to breed.
Rat Snake - The coloration of rat snakes have changed according to their location. They can be found with yellow, black, orange and green colorations, and live all over the eastern half of the United Sta
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evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological population over successive generation
the gradual development of something
the process by which different kinds of living organisms are believed to have developed from earlier form during the history of the earth
example : human Whales - With fossil records, it was discovered that whales evolved on land. Their last land ancestor was Indohyus which had bones, teeth and ears that resemble whales.
Guppies - When the color variation of wild guppies was adjusted, it was found that the survival rate was higher for those with unusual variants. So selection favored the rare colorations.
Dinosaurs with feathers - In northern China, evidence was found of feathered dinosaurs that did not fly. The feathers may have been for insulation or looks, but not for flying.
the gradual development of something
the process by which different kinds of living organisms are believed to have developed from earlier form during the history of the earth
example : human Whales - With fossil records, it was discovered that whales evolved on land. Their last land ancestor was Indohyus which had bones, teeth and ears that resemble whales.
Guppies - When the color variation of wild guppies was adjusted, it was found that the survival rate was higher for those with unusual variants. So selection favored the rare colorations.
Dinosaurs with feathers - In northern China, evidence was found of feathered dinosaurs that did not fly. The feathers may have been for insulation or looks, but not for flying.
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