Biology, asked by Asadahmad, 1 year ago

what is excreation of plant


Answered by neha449
carbon dioxide, excess water produce during respiration and nitrogenous compounds produce during protein metabolism are major excretory product in plants. also 2 gaseous product... oxygen during photosynthesis n ccarbon dioxide during respiration
Answered by iamavery
The process of Giving off waste particles of the plant is called excretion of plant. they do it it these ways. Oxygen can also be considered as a waste product for a plant, also carbon dioxide. they get rid of extra water by transpiration. for other wastes they can loose some particles of the plant like, leaves.
many plant waste products are stored in the cellular vacuoles. waste stored it leaves fall off.
other waste products are stored as resins and gums, in old xylem. plants also excrete some substances in the soil around them
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