what is fallow land
(1) cultivated land
(2) uncultivated land
(3) fertile land
(4) none of them
The reasons for keeping such lands fallow may be one or more of the following : (i) Poverty of the cultivator. (ii) Inadequate supply of water. (iii) Malarial ...
2).Uncultivated land
More to know -
Classification of land -
1) Forest land - Areas under forests
2).Fallow land -
a). Current fallow - Land left uncultivated for 1 or less than 1 agriculture year
b) Other than current fallow - Land left uncultivated for more than 1 to 5 years
3) Land not available for
cultivation -
a) Barren land and waste land -Land which is not suitable for agriculture
b). Non agriculture land - used for construction of buildings, roads etc
4) Other Uncultivated land -
a). permanent pasture and grazing - Land which is used permanently for grazing and pasture.
b). Land under tree crops grows-Land in which small tree crops and grasses are grown
c) Culturable waste land- Land which is left uncultivated for more than 5 years.
5) Net sown area -
Area sown more than once in an agriculture year
More to know -
Total geographical area of India is 3.28 sq. km
Forest area is lower than 33% of geographical area
Land degradation-
I). Deforestation
II). Overgrazing
III). Industrial wastes
Iv). Overirrigation
V) Mining and quarring