What is Farm Waste? Explain the cost of recycling of Farm Waste.
Farm waste is a mixture of animal faeces and urine, plus milk and chemicals such as pesticides. A large quantity of animal waste is generated by concentrated animal feeding operations and disposal of the waste has been a major problem. ... Slurry is a type of liquid manure that can be used on fields as fertiliser
Organic waste (kitchen waste and green waste)
Currently organic waste is recycled largely through households and businesses delivering garden waste to transfer stations. This is achieving approximately 312,000 tonnes per annum currently (Table 5) through drop-off of organics to community recycling centres. The analysis here examines the costs and benefits of adopting a separate kerbside collection system for organic waste.
The costs arising from a kerbside organic waste collection are likely to be similar to those with existing kerbside recycling. Estimates of kerbside collection for organic waste range around $80–$120 per tonne.58 This is similar to the collection costs for co-mingled collections which also use mobile bins, although organic collection would be slightly cheaper as trucks collecting organic material are likely to be able to cover a larger number of households than those collecting inorganics because organic waste can be compacted to a greater pressure.
The capital costs of setting up the green waste processing facility can be large enough so that it is cheaper to have large scale processing facilities with green waste transported from surrounding areas. For example, the Waimakariri District transports its green waste to Christchurch. Another set up cost that can be substantial is the resource consent process. The resulting costs for establishing a processing facility to process around 50,000 tonnes per year could be in the vicinity of $15 million–$20 million. Such a facility may have a lifespan of around 20 years and would incur maintenance and refurbishment costs.
The operating costs of these processing facilities depend on the mix of organic waste being processed. The total operating and capital costs of processing a mix of green and kitchen waste in an enclosed indoor facility range from $70–$170 per tonne, with an average cost being in the vicinity of $120.59 The cost of processing only green waste into compost is around $50 per tonne, excluding capital costs.60
A typical cost for transporting processed compost to agricultural users is estimated to be around $10–$15 per tonne.61This cost reflects the fact that a large proportion of green waste would be generated in cities but compost would be used largely in rural areas. Because of its high volume and relatively low value, compost is typically sold within 100–150 kilometres of the composting facility.62