what is FILAMENTOUS algae
Filamentous algae are single algae cells that form long visible chains, threads, or filaments. These filaments intertwine forming a mat that resembles wet wool. Filamentous algae starts growing along the bottom in shallow water or attached to structures in the water (like rocks or other aquatic plants).
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Filamentous Algae can be removed from the pond by raking. Using Pond Dye will help to limit sunlight into the pond for algae to complete photosynthesis. Reducing the overall nutrient load in your pond will help to keep algae blooms to a minimum. Use PondClear™ or MuckAway™ to reduce overall nutrients.Two Examples OF Filamentous Algae. Answer: ... Spirogyra, Anabaena, Oscillatoria are examples of filamentous algaeMost filamentous green algae do not produce toxins that are harmful to humans. ... Residents should not handle algae harvested from stormwater ponds because there may be harmful bacteria associated with it.