Economy, asked by pan89, 1 year ago

what is final policy


Answered by dj20123456


plz mark me as brainliest


At the end of the consultation period the Department will consider all comments received, following which the draft documents will be amended if necessary and, subject to Ministerial approval, published in final form.

To ensure greater transparency in the preparation of policy statements, a summary of the comments received together with the Department’s response to these will also be published with the final policy document.

Post Publication

Training of colleagues within the Department or others involved in facilitating the implementation of the policy is undertaken.

Policy is monitored through the Development Management, Plans and Policy Working Groups and reviews.

The Audit Team within Planning and Local Government Group also has a role in ensuring that policy is applied in a consistent manner.

Answered by marywhite1


A policy is a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent, and is implemented as a procedure or protocol. Policies are generally adopted by a governance body within an organization.


Financial policies refers to policies related to the regulation, supervision, and oversight of the financial and payment systems, including markets and institutions, with the view to promoting financial stability, market efficiency, and client-asset and consumer protection.

The purpose of the financial policy is to describe and document how the board wants financial management activities to be carried out

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