Economy, asked by ankitasbreddy, 7 months ago

what is food security?

gud my frnds nd siso's
hate u my own physco sis... hate u... luv u my frnds... only my frnd's understand my pain.. as they hv siblings..​

ChahatKumar21: hi
ChahatKumar21: i am cps
ChahatKumar21: make friendship with me
ankitasbreddy: wt does it mean
ankitasbreddy: sry.. I can't
ChahatKumar21: ok
ChahatKumar21: not
ChahatKumar21: problem bye
ChahatKumar21: good night
ChahatKumar21: ok


Answered by amanpreetsingh93


Food security is a measure of availability of food and individual's ability to access it. According the United Nations' Committee on World Food Security, food security is defined as the means that.

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