what is force and pressure
Force:- A force is an effort that changes the state of an object at rest or at motion. It can change an object's direction and velocity. Force can also change the shape of an object.
Pressure:- Pressure is defined as the physical force exerted on an object. The force applied is perpendicular to the surface of objects per unit area.
➠ What is force?
➽ The push or pool which is applied on a body to bring about some changes on its position and form is called force.
➠ What is pressure?
➽ Pressure depends on the amount of force and the area over which the force is applied the more the force the more the pressure however the bigger the area lesser in a pressure is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the area of contact.
Pressure is thus difined as force per unit area.
➽ Pressure (P) = (F)/area (A)
➺ The SI unit of force is N/m². It is also known as pascal (Pa) on the name of the scientist blaise pascal who worked and gave his contributed to understand liquid pressure.
➠ A Pull or push used on an object is called the force.
➠ Pressure is force per unit area.
➠ Atmospheric pressure reduces as one goes hire off from the sea level.
➠ The pressure exerted by the weight of air in a column of unit area is called atmospheric pressure.
➠ A force may be contact force or non contact force muscular force and frictional force are example of non contact force magnetic, electrostatic and gravitational force are example of non contact force.
➠ When many forces act on a body its expiration net force for resultant force and net force acting on a body determine the effect it has on the object.