what is force
what is force
Force is that cause which either changes or tends to change the shape, size, dimensions, state of rest, state of motion etc. of an object over which it acts. The forces are mainly divided on the basis of when it acts. The types of forces are given below : -
1. Contact Forces
The forces that are applicable only when the objects under consideration are in actual physical contact with each other are called contact forces. Examples: Frictional Force, Muscular Force, Force of Tension, etc.
2. Non-contact Forces
The forces that are applicable even if the objects under consideration are not in actual physical contact are named non-contact forces. Examples: Gravitational Force, Electrostatic Force, Magnetic Force, etc.

Force :
A force is a push or a pull that changes or tries to change the the state of rest or state of motion of an object
EXAMPLE =gravitational force, frictional force etc
I hope it will help you mate