What is forest explain features and functions of forest?
An ecosystem is defined as a community of animals, plants and microorganisms that survive and interact with one another on the same environment. Ecosystems can be small and large. One example is a forest ecosystem which is inhabited by living things coexisting with physical factors of the environment, such as temperature, sunlight and oxygen. The forest ecosystem depends on the availability of major resources to thrive.
Forest is an environment where many microorganisms, Flora and fauna are found in huge quantities.
Function of forests
1. They decrease carbon dioxide and keep the air clean preventing air pollution and global warming
2. Keep the weather cool by increasing the rainfall and preventing droughts
3. Forests are home to many known and unknown species of both flora and fauna and biodiversity
4. Prevent disintegration of the food chain
5. Forests are completely natural habitats. No animals are held captive. (You can exclude this point as I'm talking about deforestation. My point is that they are better than zoos as they keep them in cages for our entertainment )
Hope this helps